Growth can be scary, so as you enter a new stage of your life or simply get into a mind-space of growth and improvement be proud of yourself for embarking on this mission. And while you are here, take a look at our tips to help you in your path towards self development so that we can also be part of your journey.

Learning to better manage your emotions, gaining self-confidence, daring to do new things, feeling better at work... It's all possible if you grow in your self-development. We have put together 10 tips that could help you reach your goals!
1. Don’t compare
Comparing ourselves to others can lead to feelings of worthlessness, jealousy, inferiority or frustration. Sometimes we can think that other people's lives are better than ours, when in reality we are not able to grasp the full picture; we compare the greatest qualities in the people around us to our greatest faults. In this way, we focus on the things that are wrong with us, deteriorating our self-esteem. It is therefore important to focus on ourselves in order to keep control of our lives. We need to recognize your own growth and progress and remember that the only one we are in competition with is our past self. What we can do instead is learn from the success of others and implement that into your own life.

2. Accept your bad thoughts
Sometimes, we experience obsessive and unwanted thoughts that stem from our fears, doubts and frustrations. Whatever way these thoughts manifest themselves in us, they frighten, worry, even harm us. Unfortunately, when we try to fight them, they come back with more strength and vigour, giving us the illusion that they are insurmountable. These negative thoughts are a part of the human experience and are in no way representative of our realities, rather what if, rooted in anxiety and societal expectations. However, it is possible to repurpose these thoughts in adapting the narrative and reenforcing what we know to be true. To be able to move on from negative thoughts we must first accept them and then embrace their practical purpose of becoming aware and pursuing improvement. When we accept bad thoughts and welcome them into our lives without trying to reject them, we are not only able to move on from them but they also lose their importance and become more harmless.

3. Meditate
Meditation can help you break free from toxic thoughts and allow you to clear the air around you. It helps you to step back, to be more attentive and mindful. It provides the space to listen to your body, your desires and your aspirations. Additionally, meditation can play an important part in helping you clarify your daily questions and learn to understand and accept yourself and to place you in control your emotions. Meditation is a highly effective way to free the mind from daily stress and to find inner peace as it encourages letting go and forward movement.

4. Write
Writing can be a useful tool in helping you organize your ideas and gain clarity in your day to day life. Taking a few minutes each day to put into words the emotions you have felt during the day or describe what you are thinking at the moment. This practice allows us to take a step back from our lives and can relieve some of the stress and clutter from our thoughts. The more we hold things inside us, the more space they take up, influencing our daily mood or our interactions with others. This can also be a great way in becoming more mindful, as writing down our thoughts helps us better processing of ideas, therefore a great way to vent and feel lighter. For these reasons, writing has been proven to be good for your mood!

5. Learn new things
It is said that the word amateur comes from the idea of appreciation. When we encourage ourselves to explore new things, we are able to broaden our horizons and discovering the world is part of a permanent learning process. It is important that we question, dig into things to go beyond the obvious! By doing this, we grow and avoid being stuck in a rut. Assimilating new methods and tools, expanding our mental universe, developing new points of view... learning is a way to develop our sense of personal effectiveness.

6. Don't be afraid
It is important to be aware that behind the fear there is often a hidden desire. For example, the fear of failing hides a desire to succeed. Once you know this, it is easier to put things into perspective and move from the negative to the positive. Fear, if left unchecked, prevents you from moving forward. Try to transform your fear into positive energy and say to yourself: I don't have to be afraid because I know why I am doing this. And don't be afraid to make bad decisions, because it's by making mistakes that we learn!

7. Take risks
It is often said that it's better to live a life of "oh wells" that one of "what ifs." Although the unknown can be intimidating, the results are often worthwhile. The risks you take can make your life more interesting, both personally and professionally. You may have felt that sense of pride and satisfaction when you have achieved something you didn't feel capable of? Stepping out of your comfort zone is important for boosting your abilities and gaining confidence. Try to go beyond the limits you usually set for yourself and encourage yourself to do your best every day! Challenge yourself and push yourself to achieve them.

8. Make your dreams come true
When you have a dream, even if it is a bold one, don't tell yourself that you can't achieve it; on the contrary, believe in yourself! in the world you will find plenty of NO, so it is important that you become your greatest and most persistent YES. The certainty that you can achieve a goal gives you the means to get there. However, be careful to set realistic and achievable goals. For example, if you want to get your dream job, start by visualizing the benefits, imagine yourself in your new job, in your new life, and take action to make that dream a reality! Stay focused on your plans and don't lose sight of your goals. And always remember, be flexible about your methods and stubborn about your goals!

9. Give to others without counting
When we give to others with good intentions, we feel a sense of joy because we feel that we are doing something good and useful, thus releasing positive thoughts within us. It is not about giving material gifts, but rather about offering affection, time, giving encouragement, being of help, showing gratitude, etc... Put love and care at the center of your life, even when it is difficult, the results can be fulfilling and fruitful.

10. Get a mentor!
A mentor can help you guide your personal development through coaching and encouragement. Think of them as a therapist for your personal and professional goals, they are there to help you discuss what you want to achieve and the ways in which to get there. Together, you and your mentor will be able to develop a plan for managing your day-to-day life; they will provide you with advice on how to make the right decisions and grow your self-confidence.

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