Mehar is a 28-year-old coffeeholic from New Delhi, India who has bagged a full scholarship to study for an M.A. in Creative Writing at the National University of Ireland, Galway and is currently residing in the charming, rain-swept seaside town of Galway. She has one set of published short stories available on Amazon.in called 'And Then The Light Turned Green'. She's also the proud holder of a law degree from the University of Delhi and has a combined six years of work experience with four as the Editorial Head of a popular blog called So Delhi. She loves to devour books on mental health and murder mysteries will always be the books she reaches for in a bookstore. Currently working on her second book - a novel touching on bipolar disorder, she also loves penning short stories that have curious endings. Mehar loves travelling and is unequivocally in love with the dreamy city of Venice, Italy.
Mehar Luthra
Creative Writing