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Jeannette Naughton

Jeannette Naughton

Founder of Prospero

Jeannette can help you develop your leadership style to better support your teams at work or help you better manage your SME business.

About Her

Meet Jeannette, having worked in the consulting and coaching world for 20 years, Jeannette founded Prospero in 2019 with a desire to establish a Business and Executive Coaching Firm that is values-led.
Jeannette is passionate about helping people prepare for their next career move or Entrepreneurial adventure. She believes every professional needs to shift their identity to embrace the next step in their career truly. Jeannette is direct but approachable and challenging but supportive. She encourages her clients to step outside their comfort zones to grow in their lives and careers.


This workshop has been developed to support individuals as they grow in their life and career. All too often, people are promoted without preparation and find themselves floundering in the first few months of their new role or way outside of their comfort zone in their new business. In this 2-hour workshop, you will go through a process of reflection to gain a deep understanding of who you are right now. What skills, beliefs, values and identity got you here. What behaviours propel you forward in your role, and what can hold you back? A personal gap analysis helps participants to identify that what got them here won’t get them there. The 2nd half of the workshop focuses on the growth opportunities for participants and how to get there. Reviewing the needs to the new opportunity and what areas the participant needs to work on In this part of the program, we explore DISC – The behavioural tool that helps the participants understand themselves and others around them to improve communication and overall effectiveness.

Other services

Jeannette is an expert coach in helping women re-ignite their passion in careers and works as a coach around the world in 1:1 meetings as well as in large organisations.

Book this workshop today

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