Phetso is a Branch Manager at First National Bank Botswana. During the early stages of her career, she always had nagging thoughts about her worthiness. When she started reading more self help books, she came to know about this experience, known as impostor syndrome and realised that it appears despite clear evidence of a person’s success. Rather than enjoying her accomplishments, experiencing impostor syndrome made her question if she had earned them. Regardless of her excellent qualifications, she felt like a fraud. Impostor syndrome also attacked her confidence. She often underestimated how competent, creative, and capable she was. Phetso remembers when she got promoted, or received an award, she thought she was unqualified and that someone else was more deserving. Along the way, she realised that this was a barrier in her career. She employed tools to conquer the self-doubt and negative thinking that she had. She worked on cultivating the right expertise and getting the best education to empower herself to build confidence.
Phetso Ntsowe
Branch Manager
First National Bank Botswana