Hello, My name is Tara Elzingre.
I am a work/life coach helping driven moms and dads to create more money and time freedom. I founded Parene to help my clients assess their professional situations with greater honesty, curiosity, and compassion.
I have over 10 years of experience in leadership. I am an EMCC and ICF accredited Personal, Executive, and leadership coach, as well as a Parent Coach. My proven system of "Keep it real, Make it simple and Stretch the limits" helps parents to scale their careers and find their flow in life again.
Careers do not need to be linear and although it can be scary to create your own lane, it will still bring you where you want to go. When a professional becomes a parent, priorities shift, and managing both worlds becomes more complex.
As a business owner, a wife, a mom to three (ages 4 and under), and a fur baby, I know all about what goes on behind the scenes of making a successful career and raising a family. I focus on fast tracking you to the goal line with simple solutions, and a sparkle of fun!
Tara Elzingre
Business Owner/Coach